Build Your Hero!
The Player’s Guide to Norrøngard draws upon world mythology and the novels of Lou Anders. Inside these pages you will find everything you need to create a compelling character using the rules of the Tales of the Valiant RPG system ready to begin a campaign in Norrøngard, including:
• An overview of life in Norrøngard • Rules for the Thrones & Bones boardgame • Rules for the art of flyting • 4 new lineages • 5 new heritages • 9 new subclasses • 4 new backgrounds • 3 new talents • 8 new spells • 1 new construct
Tales of the Valiant RPG and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Kobold Press and are used under license. See TalesoftheValiant.com to learn more about Tales of the Valiant RPG.

Hunt Monsters!
The people of Bense are under threat. Something has been sneaking into the city at night and stealing from its citizens. Tracks in the dirt suggest it can be only one thing—a forest troll. In fact, Hurnukkle the troll has haunted Raven’s Wood near the town of Bense for years, occasionally preying on livestock and travelers near the town. Several ventures to roust and slay the menace have been mounted, but so far the canny giant has avoided trouble. The freefolk of Bense are up in arms about the thefts and concerned about the city’s security. The jarl wants the matter dealt with before challengers to his leadership present themselves. For a brave band of heroes, it’s time to go on a troll hunt!
Troll of the Town is a stand-alone adventure for characters of 3rd level set in the land of Norrøngard from the Thrones & Bones campaign setting.

Write Your Own Saga!
Thrones & Bones: Sagas of Norrøngard features seven adventures designed for character levels 3 through 8. Written by Lou Anders, Jeff Lee, Sarah Madsen, Ben McFarland, and Brian Suskind, this second hardcover volume is an essential companion to Thrones & Bones: Norrøngard, providing you with the stories to run a 1st to 8th level campaign in the frozen north.
Also included are the rules for playing the popular sport of knattleikr, visiting the mysterious place of power known as Raven’s Perch, and the Norrønian tale, “Kori and the Hungry Troll.”

Explore a New Land!
A land beset by undead horrors, marauding trolls, mercurial spirits, and monstrous beasts. In such a danger-fraught and challenging environment, heroes emerge to perform deeds worthy of the skalds, and those who don’t meet an early demise as a troll’s breakfast or a linnorm’s lunch carve out new domains or conquer existing ones.
Earn your honor exploring the cold heights of the Ymirian Mountain Range and the dark forest of the Raven’s Wood. Risk your life to snatch the knowledge of rune magic from the jaws of death. Contend with powerful vættir in the mysterious Wyrdwood, or brave the perilous caverns of Svartálfaheim.
The Thrones & Bones Campaign Setting draws upon world mythology and the novels of Lou Anders.